
Dev Log Week 5


Jirko Haapapuro 


Week 5

It's been some time since the last post, which is a shame. So, as you can guess, a lot has happened since the last post. But at the same time not enough. Bunch of new props, animations and mechanics have been made but we have at the same time we have lost some people from time to time temporarily. Life happens. But even though the team has been smaller, we have made some good progress. The levels feel a lot more alive and we have UI stuff in place. The first world assets and tiles are pretty much done as are also the second world ones. Everything still needs a lot more work but we are getting there!


Dev Log Week 1


Lenny Smith


Week 1

Screenshot of a recent build

Week one marked the beginning of development of Project Raccoon Rumble, a 2D platformer where you play as a trime traveling raccoon called Rocco. Everyone on team was excited to finally start working on the game and finally move from prototyping.

The themes of week 1 were planning, preperation and iteration. The art team worked on an updated forest tileset that conveyed a more soft and lush atmosphere as well as updated player animations to give more life to Rocco. On the programming side, the team worked on creating a solid project foundation as well as making numerous templates so that anyone can get started making content for the game.

Next the team moves on to working on a second world tileset as well as necessary functionality like a camera script, checkpoint system and key animations / functionality

Stay tuned!

Dev Log Week 5

 31.10.2020 Jirko Haapapuro    Week 5 It's been some time since the last post, which is a shame. So, as you can guess, a lot has happene...